Walking will make you a better human

Hi friend,

Let me know what you thought of todays issue, @ifti.hi on Instagram!

A personal piece of advice: Go for walks

Our mind is not made to sustain all these flashes that ambush us.

I'm talking about the hundreds of social media posts we consume, all the reels and shorts you scroll pass, all these 'breaking news' headlines and those various text messages you get from your friends. (half the stuff they text about is irrelevant, and you know that but still entertain it)

We need to relax our over-stimulated mind.

Have you ever went on a walk? "well of course I walk! I go to work every morning!" or "yes I do! I go to school and back"

That's not what I mean. When you spend your day in a confined space your often bundled with all these loud thoughts and worries. And if your not changing your environment, these thought and worries stay with you throughout the whole day.

So what's the solution? Go for a walk

Physically go for a walk even when its not the 'right time' for you to go for a walk. When you've noticed yourself getting overwhelmed, literally leave your house and walk around the block.

This will make those rough thoughts disappear. Changing your environment will mentally make you much clearer.

You wont feel overwhelmed if you do this regularly.

You'll watch your anxiety fade with every step you take.

The affects are not just positive mentally, its also an advantage to your physicality.

Walking helps maintain a healthy weight, keeps your muscles and bones healthy, improves your heart and cardiovascular fitness, YOU'RE LITERALLY GONNA LIVE LONGER JUST BY TAKING WALKS!

So the next time your feeling down, you know what to do... 🚶

You come this far? Hope I made you think,



Our parents, life roles and obsession