Our parents, life roles and obsession

Hi friend,

Let me know what you thought of todays issue, @ifti.hi on Instagram!

A reality of life: Our Parents/Carers shape our lives, no matter if you like it or not

When I was in high school, I had a friend. He would always speak about his father, but not in a way you'd expect. 'My dad? The guy is annoying. He's constantly telling me off for no reason! I just don't want to be associated with him, he's negative....'

He would always complain about his father's actions and behaviour. He despised him.

But as my friend grew older, I had an epiphany. He was inheriting all the qualities his father had. He became very negative about situations, was becoming a little annoying towards others, and constantly shouted and 'told' his younger brother off.

I then had a realization, you become a version of your parents, no matter what.

Now this is truly beautiful if your parents or carers are amazing people. If your father is there for you in your toughest situations and your mother is there for you when you need her. And if they want to see your success and are willing to give value.

This only turns chaotic when they're not there and when you understand your parents are not really completing their roles.

'So what if they're the latter, is my life ruined because of them?' NO! But it does take courage to realize this.

However, you do gain an advantage: You know what type of parent you DON'T want to be like, so you'll learn what's right and wrong from this, giving you a better opportunity to be a great parent towards your kids or future kids.

A piece of advice: Understand the role your playing, and stick to it

This ties in a little with what I said above, but we need to understand what our 'roles' are. This is not necessarily 'parenting' roles, that's just one example.

I'm talking about every role in life. Your job, your business, the role you play towards your cat, EVERYTHING

I think its truly important, because once we make a commitment to something, we should show our efficiency and understand our value in that role.

We should also understand what will happen if we don't complete the purpose of that role. If I don't play with my cat, the cat will be socially weird towards any guests, and that would be my fault...

A question to ponder upon?

Is an obsession with a goal, advantageous or dangerous?

You come this far? Hope I made you think,



Walking will make you a better human


People are often directionless (part 2)