People, asking other's opinions and half empty or full

Hi friend,

lets just get straight into it,

A reality of life: People want you to do good, just not better then them

As a human being, I can vouch for this one truth: We want to gain approval from others. This is just a fact, right from the start of human existence.

There are going to be those that say 'I DO NOT want approval from anyone! I do things for myself and no one else!'. Ok, then why do you do your hair in the morning? Why do you put that perfume on before you go out? why did you post that picture on social media for hundreds to see?, Exactly...

And from this fact, I unravelled something else. We tend to tell people our personal plans for life. What car we want to drive, how many kids we want or even our definition of success.

And those around you will root for you and praise all these dreams you have, until those dreams come true. Once you are living your definition of success, those around you become sour. ' oh... yeah you must've got lucky bro'.

I've realised that success breeds jealousy and envy. People often think 'why couldn't it be them' and for whatever reason, start resenting the idea that you've reached your success and they still haven't reached theirs.

There are some individuals who are excluded from this, who are genuinely content in seeing your success, but the majority won't.

I suggest you stop telling others every detail about your plans, and start just doing them instead. You are living your own story...

A piece of advice: Don't keep asking others about your own decisions

'If you want to make the wrong decision, ask everyone' - Naval Ravikant

This ties in to what I've said above. We make the mistake of telling everyone our decisions.

Once you tell someone your plans they insist on giving you advice. However, that advice usually only makes sense to them and not to you, because they are not thinking with the same mindset you did when you thought of that decision. You then ask a dozen others, now you have various other opinions about the decision you were very adamant on making in the beginning. This then puts you in doubt, which may end up on you making wrong decisions.

Do this your whole life, you'll get nothing done the way YOU want to.

Stop asking everyone about your own decisions, I understand it can be daunting and by all means think carefully before you pursue something big.

You'll be more content knowing you trusted your instinct and wasn't put off by the hundreds of opinions you could've had from those around you

A question to ponder upon

Do you see the cup as half empty or half full?

(There's a psychology behind this...)

You come this far? Hope I made you think,



People are directionless (part 1)


Dwelling on fear, taking things seriously and all jobs pay the same