Time doesn't wait, unfair advantages and 'thinking' instead of 'doing'

Hi friend,

lets just get straight into it,

A reality of life: Time Doesn't wait for you

You sit there, contemplating life, Asking: What do you want to do with this existence? How would you feel fulfilled?...Still nothing. The room is quiet whilst your in deep contemplation of a 'plan'. You hear the clock ticking which disrupts your thought, but you ignore it. Days go by and your still in the same place...time is drifting away

I thought I'd start with an anecdote to reveal that time never waits. We often have unique concepts on our own definitions of success. And to get there, one insists on planning. Which is GREAT, but the problem is that planning is really just 'thinking' about different scenarios and less 'doing'.

Overthinking can trigger a dopamine release, making your brain feel like you've already completed the goal. This makes you lethargic to go and pursue that goal, ultimately wasting time.

The hourglass will never stop. Just spend less time 'thinking and more time 'doing'. You don't want to waste your greatest asset on fantasies, you want to spend your greatest asset on realities...

A piece of advice: Everyone has unfair advantages

Sounds unfair...Let me explain. An unfair advantage is your unique set of skills or assets you have RIGHT NOW which can help you with your success. Still not making any sense?, here's an example.

You have a library near your house, it has computers, you have an idea for an online business, you use the library's resources to make that idea into reality. (The unfair advantage here is having a library near your house, with free access to online assets.)

Everyone has a set of these advantages, all you need to do is identify them. I haven't yet got my own framework on how to identify these so for now I suggest reading the book 'The Unfair Advantage', just to gain a little more understanding.

A question to ponder upon

Are you just living day to day?

Really think about this one, I read all replies, also let me know if the highlighting is a bit too much...

You come this far? Hope I made you think,



Dwelling on fear, taking things seriously and all jobs pay the same


No one is coming to save you, any situation is growth and what defines success?.